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Green delivery, more efficient operation of new energy trucks

In order to improve the convenience of charging new energy trucks and promote the sustainable development of urban green freight distribution, the first new energy green freight distribution fleet in Kuitun City has been officially put into operation recently.

Urban green freight distribution refers to the use of new energy trucks for urban freight transportation and distribution, in order to achieve an intensive, efficient, cost reducing, green, and intelligent urban freight system, providing a new path for the logistics industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Green logistics not only reflects the storage of materials and the construction of more low-carbon and even zero carbon warehouses, but also in the transportation of materials. Through green and zero carbon transportation methods, it enhances the green and low-carbon level of logistics

In May of this year, Kuitun City established a green distribution fleet consisting of 8 freight light trucks, and uniformly posted the "Kuitun City Green Freight Distribution Vehicle" logo, becoming a distinctive symbol of Kuitun City's green logistics. It can provide urban distribution services such as daily necessities, fresh fruits and vegetables, and household appliances for citizens, as well as various distribution commercial services for enterprises.

The deployment of pure electric light truck freight distribution vehicles can not only improve the efficiency and quality of urban distribution, but also achieve significant results in cost control and environmental protection. After calculation, the daily operating costs of each vehicle can be saved by 60%, with electricity consumption as low as 0.1 yuan/kilometer.

In response to the demand for supporting charging facilities for new energy trucks, State Grid Kuitun Power Supply Company has optimized the charging pile service, comprehensively optimized the installation process, further accelerated the power connection speed, and simultaneously promoted the construction and operation maintenance of charging pile supporting facilities, improved charging efficiency and charging experience, assisted customers in green travel, and promoted local economic green and low-carbon development.

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